I'm sure most of you all know about today's Iranian Missile Tests, which have increased Middle Eastern tensions and are threatening that region, including allies such as Israel, and, ultimately, us. To quote an Iranian general, Hossein Salami, "We want to tell the world that those who conduct their foreign policy by using the language of threat against Iran have to know that our finger is always on the trigger and we have hundreds and even thousands of missiles ready to be fired against predetermined targets." I don't want to come off as a fear monger, but as citizens and as a nation, we need to take action. Please, call your senators and your representative and urge them, as a constituent, to consider avoiding the use of militaristic action in favor of diplomatic action. That is, unless you want another war. Very few citizens contact their representatives, and when they do, it makes a world of difference. I just called all three of my reps, Sen. Jim DeMint, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Rep. Joe Wilson; it took me all of four minutes. If you don't know who your senators are or what their phone numbers are, select your state of the drop-down list at the Senate website. If you need the same information for your representative, just type your Zip+4 at the House website (if you don't know what your Zip+4 code is, go here.). Seriously, let's stay away from another war. Spend 5 minutes of your time. Also, you'll notice that I included a "Digg this" button on this post; please consider Digging this, and spread the word.
Yeah, you should call your reps and demand that they.
1. Stop the mass hypnoses the have on you.
2. Stop the dictatorship they've gotten you into and demand your rights back which was stolen from you right under your nose with the patriot act.
3. Take their many fingers out of the world’s ass in stop meddling in every country in the world. Despite what you've been brainwashed to believe by your illiterate president. Iran is not your enemy. It is Israel’s enemy, and for a good reason. But then again, who isn't Israel’s enemy except the US? You want to see terrorism? Go see how the Palestinians have been terrorized by Israel for the last couple of decades.
Take your head out of your ass and smell the air. This isn't your problem.
Thanks for the comment, anonymous reader. Israel's problems are, in turn, our problems. Israel was, in 1987, named by the us a "major non-NATO ally." The US, and the world community as a whole, is on edge about Iran. If Iran attacked Israel, I will guarantee you that the US will have some sort of "intervention." THAT is what we want to prevent. I don't agree with the current administration's policies. This is a simple, quick way to make sure we prevent another war we are ill-prepared for. It can't hurt to spend 5 minutes trying to prevent the president and the Congress from screwing our country over even more.
At least the Iranians are keeping their finger “on the trigger” when the weapons are pointed at us… we have unleashed chaos and destruction and never minded the trigger in the past! We liberated the people of Iraq just because we love them so much. And Iran, Iraq Vietnam, Afghanistan and … are huge threats to us on the other side of the globe. It’s just that UK, France, Germany, China, Russia and other big players who are right next door to them are not as wise see the terror that as our competent, capable beloved GW Bush can see. When our president hopeful is at an intelligence level that sings bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, What canyou expect from other politicians! Pathetic…
Let’s bomb these mother lovers in the name of peace, Jesus and god! Spread the democracy with bullets. Spill their blood the same way we helped the Vietnamese, Iraqis and Afghans evolve. These terrorist have the audacity to stage practice exercises, let’s show them how civilized we are… bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran (I don’t just sound like a presidential hopeful but I feel like one too)
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