Richarson has a compelling case for Obama's veep choice that rests on these points:
* He is Hispanic and can draw Latino voters, which represent the fastest-growing voting bloc, to Obama's side.
* He is the governor of New Mexico, a key swing state, and is well-liked in the state. The primary purpose of a running mate in the campaign, after all, is to win their home state.
* Foreign policy experience is a moot point this campaign, and with Richardson's extensice experience, he can quell concerns of Obama's inexperience.
* Richardson's Hispanic background helps solidify the one-America image, a key theme in the campiagn.
* If nothing else, he endorsed Obama far before any of the other primary veep 'candidates.'
If you have any thoughts on the veepstakes--or other compelling cases for any of the veep possibilities, please post a comment to this post.